Then there is the beloved new diaper my friend Destiny got Tyler for Christmas, we just got it last week so we just recently had it washed and were able to see how well it worked. The first time he used it was New Years Eve, i sent him to a friends house for the evening and had her use it for his night diaper, i was kinda hesitant because i didn't want it to leak while she had him, since this was her first time keeping him for me. Then i decided, he'll be in his playpen and on with his sheet and blanket, so i went for it. When i picked him up on Saturday she said he did awesome and the diaper didn't leak!!! YAY!
He wore his Kawaii again last night and again no leaks! I was looking at a site to see how much they'd be and they are really reasonably priced, especially if you can get free shipping. They have two extra large inserts in them for a heavy wetter for night absorbency, which work great for Tyler. If you are a cloth diapering mama or know anything about cloth diapers and their inserts, these inserts are almost double a normal insert. We have been using Bum Genius Aio diapers for night time, with an extra small insert and that are velcro. These diapers are snaps, which are much easier for him to take off. With the Bum Genius i was having the hardest time getting the funk out of them, they had a horrible ammonia smell from the night time wetting even after washing them a million times. I did finally get it out and haven't used any of them since, that was too tough the first time, i'm thinking of getting rid of them! LOL The Kawaii diaper has now been worn two nights and no smell at all after being washed, in the inserts or the diaper itself!!! I am totally sold by this diaper and thinking i want to buy more! Unfortunately they are limited to colors and prints and this is the only print i like for a boy, so i'll be getting just plain colored ones when i do buy them. Thank you Destiny for showing me the light of a night time pocket diaper!!!! If your a friend on facebook and haven't seen them yet i posted some new pictures of the family from our holidays pictures we got taken. Finally remembered to call the photographer today, and she was nice enough to just let us purchase the CD without printing any pictures! If you are local to Albion and read this blog i recommend Shelly Mosley for a photographer, otherwise know as Shelly Smiles! She is great with our kids and we've loved every photo she's taken so far, this was our second time using her for photographs! The family picture at the top of my blog is her work, i would show you more but can't get the blog to upload any more photo's without being an error!
I better get to bed, today was day 1 of weight loss competition with my friend Ashley from Ohio and my husband Nathon and i didn't do a darn thing. So i'm waking up hopefully at 7am tomorrow and doing a workout and getting a shower before the kids get up!! Gnight everyone!!
sweet pjs like what they cover better though